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Diamond Point Bur

Bentuk, giling, dan selesaikan dengan presisi! Berlian burs berkualitas tinggi dan tahan lama ini menawarkan kekerasan berlapis berlian di atas baja untuk memberikan pemotongan yang seragam pada berbagai macam bahan. Diamond burs Electroplated dan Sintered Diamond bur digunakan untuk pengeboran dan finishing yang tepat dan untuk grinding di mana pemindahan material tidak menjadi perhatian. Diamond burs menghasilkan potongan yang lebih bersih dan polesan yang lebih tinggi dari bur karbida. Saat memilih bur berlian, pertimbangkan pasirnya. Pasir berlian menentukan kecepatan dan jenis cat. Diamond bur dengan grit yang lebih halus menghasilkan polesan dan hasil akhir yang lebih tinggi, sedangkan diamond bur dengan grit yang lebih kasar cocok untuk menghilangkan material yang berat. Diamond burs adalah standar atau sekali pakai. Diamond bur standar dapat digunakan kembali dan harus diasah serta disterilkan sebelum digunakan dalam prosedur lain. Diamond burs sekali pakai dirancang untuk sekali pakai dan tidak boleh digunakan kembali dalam prosedur lain.

5" Diamond Grinder Disc


Inland Twin Grinder Disk

The 5" Diamond Grinder Disc is a must-have tool for anyone who wants to achieve fast and efficient grinding and shaping. It is designed specifically for use with the Inland Twin Spin Grinder, and features a diamond-coated outer edge that allows for quick and precise grinding and shaping of various materials, including glass, tile, stone, and other hard materials.

5" Diamond Grinder Disc


Inland Twin Grinder Disk

The 5" Diamond Grinder Disc is a must-have tool for anyone who wants to achieve fast and efficient grinding and shaping. It is designed specifically for use with the Inland Twin Spin Grinder, and features a diamond-coated outer edge that allows for quick and precise grinding and shaping of various materials, including glass, tile, stone, and other hard materials.

5" Diamond Grinder Disc


Inland Twin Grinder Disk

The 5" Diamond Grinder Disc is a must-have tool for anyone who wants to achieve fast and efficient grinding and shaping. It is designed specifically for use with the Inland Twin Spin Grinder, and features a diamond-coated outer edge that allows for quick and precise grinding and shaping of various materials, including glass, tile, stone, and other hard materials.

5" Diamond Grinder Disc


Inland Twin Grinder Disk

The 5" Diamond Grinder Disc is a must-have tool for anyone who wants to achieve fast and efficient grinding and shaping. It is designed specifically for use with the Inland Twin Spin Grinder, and features a diamond-coated outer edge that allows for quick and precise grinding and shaping of various materials, including glass, tile, stone, and other hard materials.


The 5" Replacement Diamond Grinder Disc designed for the Inland Twin Spin Grinder offers exceptional performance. It is an indispensable tool for achieving efficient grinding and shaping of various materials, including glass, tile, stone, and other durable substances. Here's why its performance stands out:

  1. Precision: The diamond-coated outer edge of the disc allows for precise and accurate grinding, ensuring that you can achieve your desired results with ease.

  2. Speed and Efficiency: This disc is designed for fast material removal, making your grinding and shaping tasks more efficient. It saves you time and effort.

  3. Durability: The diamond coating on the disc ensures its longevity, even when working with hard materials. It maintains its cutting edge over extended use.

  4. Compatibility: Specifically engineered for the Inland Twin Spin Grinder, it ensures a perfect fit and smooth rotation on the motor shaft, eliminating any performance issues.

  5. Quality Assurance: Each disc undergoes stringent quality inspection before diamond application, assuring that it meets the highest standards for performance and reliability.

In summary, the 5" Replacement Diamond Grinder Disc for the Inland Twin Spin Grinder is a high-performance tool that delivers precision, speed, durability, and reliability for your grinding and shaping needs.

Grit Range

The 5" Replacement Diamond Grinder Disc for the Inland Twin Spin Grinder is available in three different grit ranges: 60, 180, and 360. These grit ranges cater to various grinding and shaping needs and offer different levels of coarseness and fineness for different materials and tasks:

  1. 60 Grit: This is a coarse grit and is ideal for initial shaping and material removal. It's suitable for tasks where you need to remove a significant amount of material quickly, such as rough shaping or grinding down thick surfaces.

  2. 180 Grit: This is a medium grit and strikes a balance between material removal and surface smoothing. It's commonly used for general grinding and shaping tasks and provides a smoother finish compared to 60-grit discs.

  3. 360 Grit: This is a fine grit and is best for finishing and polishing surfaces. It's used for tasks where a high level of precision and a smooth, polished finish are required. This grit is suitable for final touches and fine detailing.

The choice of grit depends on the specific material you're working with, the level of precision required, and the stage of your grinding or shaping process. Having multiple grit options allows you to adapt the tool to your particular needs and achieve the desired results effectively.


The 5" Replacement Diamond Grinder Disc for the Inland Twin Spin Grinder has various applications in the field of glass art, specifically in stained glass and glass fusing. Here are some common applications:

  1. Stained Glass Art: Glass artists often use these discs to shape and refine pieces of stained glass. They can create intricate patterns, smooth edges, and achieve precise fits between glass pieces for assembling stained glass windows, panels, or other artistic projects.

  2. Glass Fusing: In glass fusing, artists fuse multiple pieces of glass together using heat. These discs are used to shape and prepare the glass components before the fusing process. They ensure that the pieces fit together accurately and can be fused seamlessly.

  3. Glass Sculpture: Glass sculptors use these discs to shape and refine glass sculptures. The diamond-coated edge allows for detailed and precise work, helping artists achieve the desired shapes and textures in their sculptures.

  4. Glass Jewelry Making: When creating glass jewelry, artists can use these discs to cut, shape, and finish glass pieces for earrings, pendants, and other jewelry items.

  5. Glass Restoration: These discs are valuable tools for restoring and repairing damaged stained glass windows or art pieces. They can be used to remove damaged sections and create replacement pieces that seamlessly match the original design.

  6. General Glass Work: These discs are also used in general glasswork tasks, such as grinding and shaping glass for various functional or decorative purposes.

In summary, the 5" Replacement Diamond Grinder Disc for the Inland Twin Spin Grinder is a versatile tool for shaping, grinding, and preparing glass in various glass art and glassworking applications. It is a valuable accessory for artists and craftsmen working with glass to achieve precise and polished results.



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Q: How do you use a diamond pad?

A diamond hand pad is a handheld abrasive tool with a flexible surface coated with diamond particles. It is used for grinding, smoothing, and polishing various materials, including stone, concrete, glass, and metal.

Q: How do I choose the right grit size for my project?

Select the grit size based on the initial condition of your workpiece and the desired level of surface finish. Coarse grits are suitable for rough grinding, while finer grits are used for smoothing and polishing.

Q: What safety precautions should I take when using diamond hand pads?

Wear safety goggles, a dust mask, and gloves to protect yourself from dust and debris. Additionally, work in a well-ventilated area or wear a respirator if working with fine dust particles.

Q: How do I maintain and clean my diamond hand pad?

After use, rinse the diamond hand pad with clean water to remove debris and residues. Gently pat it dry or allow it to air dry. Proper maintenance can prolong the pad's lifespan.

Q: What are some common applications for diamond hand pads?

Wear safety goggles, a dust mask, and gloves to protect yourself from dust and debris. Additionally, work in a well-ventilated area or wear a respirator if working with fine dust particles.

Q: What are the common grit sizes for diamond hand pads?

Diamond hand pads come in a range of grit sizes, from coarse (e.g., 50 grit) to fine (e.g., 3000 grit). The choice of grit depends on the specific task, with coarser grits used for material removal and finer grits for polishing.

Q: Do I need to use water or lubricant with a diamond hand pad?

Yes, using water or a specific lubricant is often necessary. It helps keep the surface cool, prevents overheating, and improves the effectiveness of the diamond particles in grinding and polishing. Some materials require dry grinding, so it's essential to check the manufacturer's recommendations.

Q: Can I use a diamond hand pad for dry grinding and wet grinding?

The suitability of a diamond hand pad for dry or wet grinding depends on the material and the pad itself. Some diamond hand pads are designed for wet use, while others are suitable for dry grinding. Check the manufacturer's specifications for guidance.

Q: Can diamond hand pads be used on curved or irregular surfaces?

Yes, diamond hand pads are versatile and can be used on flat, curved, or irregular surfaces. Their flexibility allows for contouring and shaping of various workpieces.

Q: Can I achieve a high-polish finish with a diamond hand pad?

Yes, with the right technique and progression through finer grits, you can achieve a high-polish finish on various materials using diamond hand pads. The finest grits are typically used for the polishing stage.

Diamond Abrasive Products
Diamond Abrasive Products
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